Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog 3

In the book "The Matrix and Philosophy" by William Irwin, states various perspectives about life, whether life is an illusion or real or not real ? these are questions that are asked frequently. In scene 1 "Computers, Caves and Oracles: Neo and Socrates" talks about a world that people are slaves and they don't even know they are slaves due to the fact that's the only world they know, so for them it's normal. Like the Matrix that's a world Neo hasn't been expose to yet and he needs to see the light in order to believe. Morpheus tells Neo he was "born into a prison of his mind" meaning it's up to Neo to realize that hes the one who can control from what is real or not, theres a quote by Robert Frost's "I took the one less traveled by/ And that has made all the difference" this is exactly what Neo did he took the road less traveled by and lead him to a world where no one was aware of or that he himself couldn't believe in it until he made the choice to "believe", Neo was given the choice to walk away from it all in the beginning but he chose not to.
Many people choose to believe in things they don't even know, because society enforces them to believe in such thing, Morpheus states "What is real ? How do you define real ? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain", so through out this we see stuggles between charecters trying to define what is real or if its worth living, the only one with the "real" answer is you.

1 comment:

  1. The quote from Robert Frost perfectly reveals how today's society works. People most of the time don't take the path to understanding and knowledge. The whole point of knowledge and understanding is to equip ourselves so that we may be ready for the world and not be manipulated or confused. In order for something to be truth it can't be disputable because the definition of truth is a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like. So the real question is, what is true? What is not true? Most of the time people are not gonna find it in themselves because they'll conform to a "truth" because it benefits them or it's what they believe.
