Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blog 6

Last week the class viewd a movie called "The Truman show", basically what this movie was illustrating events on a characters life from day and night, to make more sence since he was born. He was adopted by a guy who was the owner of a tv show, and he choose truman to be his main star. Of course truman didn't know what was right from wrong because he never stepped out of the island, multipile incidents made him think that remaning in the island would be safe, then again they wouldn't want their man star to find his way to the real world, because if he did there wouldn't be more rattings and their show would be a total fiasco with out him. In the end truman started to find the truth about their world and began to explore until he realized he was being used for a television show. Truamn started to navigate away from their world in a storm where it almost cost his life, he found a door and what he saw was the real world if he crossed over, and he did to live the life where he had been missing for most of his life.


  1. You gave alot of details about the movie, however sweetie i already saeen the movie. So I would prefer your opinion about the movie instead. My Ques. to you is what do you think of the movie.

  2. i think the movie was really a big fan of Jim Carrey..anything that hes on, he makes it so right.
